My degree in Physiotherapy continues on apace. The first semester of year 2 was very crowded with a lot of specific learning on the Spine, Cardio-Respiratory and Neurological physiotherapy, with only 3, 4 and 4 weeks worth of teaching time given over to each.
All that cumulated in exams and a written assignment, which all collided in the first couple of weeks of January. I even missed a race as I thought it was probably a better idea to stay at home and revise the day before one of the exams, rather than batter my way across 22 miles of icy bog.
Thankfully my focus and concentration paid off, and I came out the other side of the exams with an aggregate 1st, so I’m pretty happy with that.
After a weeks worth of break, during which I spent my time putting out markers for a Mountain Marathon on Bleaklow, we plunged into Semester 2 – during which we are in University for about 4 weeks, working on group presentations on Health Promotion, which will be marked at the end of February, and as of the Monday after the assessment, I’ll be out on Placement in the NHS.
Exciting times.