Preventing injuries is part of what we do at Global Therapies. One aspect of this is periodic (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) maintenance massage, which many of our regular clients benefit from. Another very important aspect is for you to be fully aware of the reasons behind injury and to know ways in which you can help to prevent injury. To help you achieve this goal we like to educate our clients, either in person during treatments, or through the articles we write on our blog.
While you can search through all of our articles we thought we would help you find some of the most frequently read posts relating to Injury Prevention:
Advice on treating acute injuries – the R.I.C.E protocol By request – Recovery Techniques – addendum By request – Recovery Techniques Breathing Pattern Disorders calf stretches Climbing and Massage Cramp Desk Jockeys Diaphragmatic pain while running DOMS – an explanation this time F.I.T.T. Principle Foam Roller Workshop Frozen Shoulder Healing muscle strains – Treatment Herniated disc Injuries Part 1 Injuries Part 2: Extrinsic Factors Injuries Part 3: Intrinsic Factors ITBs (Illotibial Band Syndrome) Just a couple of thoughts on movement Marathon training Overtraining Pain Pain under the foot? Plantar Fasciitis. Pain on the heel. Plantar Fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis? Reciprocal Inhibition – or – why your muscles don’t work Rehab exercises for ankle sprains Rest Days Shin Splints Shoulder Injuries – Part 1 Shoulder Injuries – Part 2 Shoulder Injuries – Part 3 Sprained Ankles – is there anyway to avoid them?! Stretching – an introduction Stretching Part 2 Stretching Part 3 Stretching Part 4 Stretching 5 – A summary Tendinitis Thoughts on movement for postural information. Squatting. Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain Update on ITBS What can we do for injury? Part 1: ACUTE What can we do for injury? Part 2: SUBACUTE What can we do for injury? Part 3: CHRONIC When should I change my running shoes?Got an idea for a topic you’d like us to cover? Drop us a line via our Contact page.