Personal Training Testimonial – Zoe Barton, Pregnancy & Postnatal Training
I’ve been a competitive fellrunner for a few years now, enjoying many challenges around the UK. When I discovered I was pregnant I naturally saw it as the next big physical and mental challenge – as if the birth was my big event of the year and the pregnancy the training. I wanted to be sure that I was exercising in the safest way possible, and preparing my body for the strains of both childbirth and motherhood. I knew that Lynne has qualifications and experience in pre- and post-natal fitness so chose to follow a programme with her, to make the best job of looking after myself and the growing baby.
I got so much more than just a physical training programme. Lynne is clearly fascinated by women’s health and fitness and takes time to read, research and share her knowledge with her clients. She got me to think about everything we were doing in a holistic way, from relating exercises I did to what I would be doing during the birth and as a new mum, to answering my questions on running safely during my pregnancy, to talking about my plans for the labour and birth.
I found the training we did really interesting – it helped to distract me from the fact I had to seriously cut back on my usual adventuring. I’d never been sensible or disciplined enough to do strength and conditioning work before the pregnancy. Lynne introduced me to some useful exercises which would not only prepare me for childbirth but keep my muscles in condition for my return to running afterwards. I had never lifted at all, but she introduced me to gentle lifting combined with pelvic floor exercises, I could see the benefit as time went on and I found lifting easier not harder. She also showed me some great stretches to help ease the aches of carrying a growing person around with me all the time, the ‘buns in the oven’ being my favourite one.
Lynne had me doing a lot of squats, with and without added weight. during antenatal training. It’s one thing I became very grateful for. I was glad during my labour, because bobbing up and down was the best way for me to cope with the pain. Now I’m glad because there are plenty of occasions when I need to pick something up from the floor, whilst holding the baby – basically a weighted squat! So don’t skimp on the squats would be my number one advice to expecting mums!
I hadn’t planned to continue training for long after my son was born, but having had a C-section, I decided to enlist Lynne’s expert help to make sure I returned to running without damaging myself or setting back my recovery. I’d been warned by other running mums to be really careful, so to work with a professional seemed like the best way to look after myself. Lynne was the voice of reason during the times I was frustrated by not being able to run, but also supportive and motivating when I was the typical dog-tired new mum. I always returned home after sessions feeling refreshed and positive. Lynne even ran my first parkrun since his birth with me, but without making me feel as if she was keeping an eye on me to stop me from haring round too quickly (I think she probably was 😉 )It was great to have her support.
I’d recommend Lynne to any expectant or post-natal mums – it’s really worth having an hour each week focusing on your own well-being. The advice for pregnant women is to be active, what better way to do that than with the guidance of someone so knowledgeable and enthusiastic.