Tim’s story
Why choose Physiotherapy as a career?
It began back in 2002 when I had Shiatsu massage and Acupuncture in Japan. I couldn’t sleep because I did my back in wakeboarding, and this old bloke somehow enabled me to be pain free… Wow – that’s something I’d love to be able to do, I thought.
Back in London I never really pursued massage – I was told that Rock climbing and Shiatsu just wouldn’t work, and was far more interested in climbing at that time. When I met Lynne in 2008, and I mentioned this story, she said, well, just go and learn massage – you might as well. So I did, just as a hobby.
I like knowing how things work, and knowing how the body works was something I was curious about. At that point, I had no ambition to be a massage therapist, I was simply there to learn. It only really became an idea as I saw my fellow classmates planning their onward careers. At that point, I realised, well, if they can do it, why not me? The only thing keeping me behind a desk, or chained to a day job is me and my fears.
A few years later, having moved to the Peak District to pursue Sports and Remedial Massage as a career, we ended up being a part of the London Olympics. I spent a fantastic couple of weeks in the Velodrome with some very talented physiotherapists. During this time I realised that my knowledge was in some cases, on a par with theirs, but they got to go on some very interesting CPD workshops, but I couldn’t. The only real way I could learn what they were learning was to get a degree in Physiotherapy.
Within 2 weeks of returning from the Olympics, I was a full time student again. 3 Years later, with more than 1000 clinical hours under my belt, I graduated as a Physiotherapist.
Now- in 2023 I have just finished an intensive year, doing an MSc in “advanced physiotherapy”, and am a member of the MACP. It was hard getting back into the swing of being in academia again, but the course was well worth it, especially as it is one of the few courses to involve live, assessed placements.
Do you have a specialist area?
I could answer “legs” or “shoulders”, but to be honest, everything is so connected that it is kind of pointless to differentiate from one body part to another. Communication is absolutely key in the process, so perhaps working with the patient while trying to enable them to understand what is going on and why – and how to fix it.
What sports are you involved in personally?
Fell running. I never thought I’d say that. When I moved up to Derbyshire I thought – yeah, loads of gritstone, I’m going to be climbing loads! Well, I have been climbing, but not as much as I thought. Truth be told, it’s a lot easier to stick on a pair of shoes, hop out the back door and thrash around the hills for a couple of hours than to organise a day climbing. I have also become an avid cyclist, happily swapping bikes and wheels to enjoy road, gravel and mountain biking- and recently I have been tempted back into the water and am in my first year of really getting back on a windsurfer, which has been quite the voyage of discovery.
Other interests? I’m a bit of a gear geek, having worked in an outdoor shop for a couple of years, my fascination with new fabrics, cuts of jackets, plastics, grips on shoes and the functionality of how things work interests me a lot.
I’m proud to be a full time volunteer on Glossop Mountain Rescue Team which enables me to use my outdoor skills in the service of the community.
Time in the gym is often sneered at in some outdoor circles, but I think it’s an excellent tool to help overcome weaknesses. I’m very interested in corrective exercises, and the use of specific functional fitness that helps sports people get better at what they love. I’m not particularly enamoured with going to the gym for the gyms sake, though I can see why people do that. For me, the gym is a tool to make yourself better for living, working and playing.
Favourite place? No single place. The Isle of Wight where I grew up, Kawatana in Japan where I spent some of the best years of my life, on the Rhinogs in Wales where I spent more family holidays than I can remember, running down the peaty paths of Kinder or Bleaklow. Wherever it is, there is always movement.
Favourite saying?
Fall down 7 times, get up 8. What normally happens in a fell race.
Ichigo ichiee. One meeting, once in a lifetime. Basically, everytime you meet someone, that is the only time you will ever meet them at that point in your, or indeed their life. Each moment is precious and unique
Wakeiseijaku. Another Japanese saying. Peace, respect, purity and tranquility. By Sen Rikyu, legendary Tea ceremony master.
Find the problem. Fix the problem. Mark Twight. He’s said a lot of stuff, and a lot of it is fantastic and very quotable, but this is perhaps his most succinct one which fits for all walks of life.
The Mind is Primary – Bruce Lee (latterly adopted by others). Which is very true in most situations. Where the mind leads, the body will often follow.
Tim writes a blog about his fell running adventures, races and about gear he tests – read his personal accounts at testedtodestruction.