A little bit about Lynne…
Why did you choose Personal Training/Sports & Remedial Massage as a career? I like helping people and I’ve always enjoyed being involved in sports. As a Personal Trainer and massage therapist I can bring the two together and use my knowledge and experience to improve quality of life for people.
I get a real buzz out of training other people, seeing them improve and change over time. Working with motivated and driven people is incredibly rewarding. I know what it’s like to train hard for an event and activities you want to do, so yes, I do walk the walk and put the hours in on my own fitness.
You’re also a Life & Mindset Coach. Yes, in 2022 I qualified with an ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring. My PT sessions are often akin to a life coaching conversation so it was a natural progression to undertake some rigorous training to qualify as a coach. Most of my clients I see are online, but if you’re local to me I offer outdoor coaching, combining the empowering wonders of nature alongside movement while we’re conversing. My coaching can be found here.
What sports are you involved in personally? My main sport is fell running – I get to be in the hills and experience nature up close – sometimes too close when you fall in a peat bog! I’m a keen walker, cyclist and go wild swimming. At various points in the past I’ve done caving, climbing, paragliding and scuba diving.
I sometimes volunteer at my local Glossop parkrun and in 2022 completed my 100th parkrun event. I think the shortest race I’ve done is the Lantern Pike Dash at 2 miles, and longest the Long Tour of Bradwell at 55km (2015). I’ve raced 10km road races, the London Marathon (2017), trail halfs, trail marathons and the Bryce Canyon ultra race – a 50k race held in Utah, USA at altitude and 32 degreesC (2016).
Over the years the focus for my running has shifted. Once driven by trying to always go faster, I’m now more at home heading into the hills for a few hours with friends for a social run (maybe a picnic too!). I back up my running with regular strength training too to help prevent injuries. Moving my body and staying healthy, fit and mobile are what drive me to stay active. In 2022 my average daily step count was 14500, totaling over 5.2million steps in the year. Consistency is they key with any form of exercise.
Other interests? I’m a lifelong learner on the piano. I make pottery and sell through a couple of local galleries and at markets, especially around Christmas. See Organic Ceramics for more about my pottery.
I love baking and when in season I go out collecting fruits to make chutney, jams and jellies. My outdoor interests also led me to qualify as a Hill & Moorland Leader so I can teach navigation and take people on guided walks around the Peak District.
Favourite place? After living in Glossop for a good few years I always seem drawn to James Thorn – a hill just a few miles from home and one which I visit frequently. It’s on the edge of Bleaklow so can feel very wild and remote, but close enough to visit often.
Favourite saying? “take the road less traveled” which is derived from the poem The Road not Taken by Robert Frost. While some interpret the poem to mean the author had regret for choosing the path he took, I keep this saying in mind to remind me to return to places I’ve been before and to take the road less traveled – to find new in what is familiar.
Sometimes you’ll see me running in fancy dress….or even a fancy dress.