Foam Roller Workshop

I’m a big fan of foam rollering. Sometimes called “poor mans massage” it is the mechanical manipulation of muscle… pretty much what I do on a day-to-day basis, just with a bit less precision. Not as precise, maybe, but it does target tissues that need work on them, which would otherwise not get sorted until you went to see a therapist. I have been extolling the virtues of foam rollers to various people in my running club – Glossopdale Harriers – for the past few months, and thought it was about time to spread the message, and, more importantly, the … Continue reading

Massage for vocalists

Vocals. They are our natural instrument with which we can interact with the world. Some of us do that in delightful ways, entertaining us with singing or acting, and others still inspire us with lectures and teachings about the world we live in. We all communicate with our voice, and the creative ones amongst us use their voice as their instrument. But why is massage therapy important if you use your voice to earn your living or entertain people? Just as a dancer or athlete seeks out regular maintenance massage, a vocal artist should also consider this as a tool to … Continue reading

Pre-Edale Skyline Knee update

I thought it might be a nice idea to write a quick update on my knee and the way it’s going after my last blog about the overuse injury. After a lot of reading and researching through various books, ebooks, and other such things, it was evident that the issue was not, as most people assume, to do with the knee. As previously mentioned, the knee can’t really do much wrong in and of itself unless you hit it with or against something hard and solid. I certainly did not do that, so the injury had to be a chronic … Continue reading

High Peak Marathon induced knee pain

Since finishing the High Peak Marathon a couple of weeks ago, I (Tim) have been having issues with my knees. Actually, let me clarify that, I have been having an issue with my left knee. The right one is fine and dandy, I could hop about on that all day not really be all that bothered. It’s the left one that is causing the issues. I could be a classic runner/lifter/cyclist and just ignore the pain, think, oh, it’ll get better over time, I’ll just ignore it and train through it. But I’m not that kind of person, and I’ve … Continue reading

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage. We’ve all heard the term. I used to think it was some kind of painful way of getting rid of something that I didn’t want to know what was in my body. Probably from somewhere I didn’t necessarily want it drained from. It turns out I was very wrong. I also noticed that if I stayed still for a long time and didn’t exercise for a few days, I began to feel stuffy and stagnant, less able to move, and a bit “off”. But this feeling went away after getting out there and doing something. Endorphins, or something … Continue reading

Last race report of the year

Sorry, there are no pictures on this one, but Lynne was running… not taking pictures, might have to get used to that in the next year… unless I manage to work out how to run and shoot at the same time… Instead, you can have a link to my Garmin track The Map Its been a while since I did a race report, mainly because I haven’t been racing since September/October. (For various reasons including, but not limited to, minor injuries to toes, heels, and other less important running parts, not being in the right place at the right time, … Continue reading