The words “deadlift” and “squat” provoke particular images and predictable responses from a number of people. People who don’t “do” the gym tend to see them as a bit of a scary thing which can lead to some pretty scary injuries, and are therefore classed in the “do not do this activity” section of their heads.
The fact that these movements are based around everyday movements – or what should be everyday movements seems to pass a lot of people by. Pick up something heavy. That’s a Deadlift. Sit down and stand up again. That’s effectively a dead-stop squat.
Normal, everyday, human movements.
Practice them everyday, especially with a load heavier than you need for daily life, and you shouldn’t really have many problems.
Find it difficult to get on and off a chair?
You have two options. Buy a riser/recliner chair and watch as your sense of balance and strength in your legs plummets, or practice standing up and sitting down, and be astonished as your strength and independence increase.
There is no magic trickery here, just simple daily habitual movement, ideally with more resistance (weight) than you would normally have for these motions.
There is also no short cut. If you want your legs to be strong, only one person’s motivation and effort matters. Yours.
Yes, there may be inevitable decline in strength and co-ordination as you get older, but there is one person that can reduce the level of decline. There is one person that can enable you to keep mobile.
That person is you. If you want to stay independent as long as possible- which includes being able to stand up off the toilet (you don’t get riser/recliner loo’s), stay strong. Keep moving.