Preconception Fitness

We believe that there is no better time to take control of your physical and mental health than when you are considering getting pregnant.


Undertaking regular exercise can go a long way towards ensuring normal conception and a healthy, happy pregnancy. If you are healthy then there’s a good chance your eggs will be too, and your womb will be in the best condition to receive the egg and lead to a viable pregnancy. And don’t just think preconception fitness is only for the woman – men need to be producing healthy sperm – making babies is a two person thing!

Being fitter, stronger, and at a healthy weight will prepare you for the challenge of carrying and delivering your baby. Preparing for any event takes time, and we believe this is the perfect time to get your body in the best shape ever. Plus, you’ll be giving your child the best possible start in life by creating a healthy environment inside you during pregnancy.

Prenatal fitness and exercise preparation. SPECIALIST TRAINING FOR BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER PREGNANCY Glossop Personal Training

Exercise and training in this stage will:

  • Improve your general health, strength & fitness
  • Teach you strategies to connect with and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
  • Improve core strength to help protect your spine – vital once you are pregnant and as your centre of gravity alters
  • Promote good nutritional habits
  • Ensure safe weight loss if needed

Guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) states, “Evidence suggests pregnant women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of diabetes, pre-eclampsia, miscarriage, caesarean sections and stillbirths.

The prenatal period is a key stage in developing strong physical fitness, ensuring your body is ready for pregnancy. Through regular exercise you will build strength on an emotional as well as physical level. Both key elements on this incredible journey.

Need more inspiration? Then read Rosie’s story – who first joined our beginners running course and continued training with us through pregnancy and beyond for postnatal fitness.

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