Reconciling the 3Rs and physio treatment

A blog from Tim – not meant to be evidence backed, not meant to be science, this is personal experience. It is a blog not a scientific paper. Background I’ve had an on- going issue with pain in the area around my Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) for about a year now. It originally came on in June 2017, stopped me running for pretty much 5 months – and at one point stopped me weight bearing for a short time. Even though I knew that a scan wasn’t going to help, there were a few moments back in August last year where … Continue reading

Falls vs walking. Risk/reward?

I had the same piano teacher since I was 7 until I was 18. She was already retired then. Until recently – as I approach my 40’s she was still stomping around the globe, going on holidays and generally enjoying life, and was the epitome of the active elder generation. Earlier this year I received news that on a recent winter cruise she unfortunately contracted pneumonia with diabetic complications. And this, in her mid-90’s. Luckily she had some excellent family support around her and was recovering well, her main preoccupation was to “escape the nursing home”. My dad was one … Continue reading

Pain relief – information from a podcast

Painkillers and Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatories (NSAIDS) are a part of all of our lives whether we train, or whether we are in pain. There are a lot of stories bandied around about the various types of painkiller – and this blog is not meant to be the be all and end all to the discussion. It came about as I happened to hear a podcast the other day with an injection trained physio- Dave Barker and thought that the information there would be really good to have the information in a written format somewhere. Below is a summary of … Continue reading

Is it possible to avoid running injuries?

Global Therapies: Tim during the Coniston fell race

I was having a chat with another runner recently about running, injuries and the prevalence of injuries to runners of all types. The conversation mostly focused around chronic injuries rather than acute- “ow, I’ve run into a tree” type injuries. I did a bit of digging and a bit of thinking and ended up with something that turned into this blog. Interesting stat: The biggest predictor of being injured as a runner is not to do with mileage, climb, time on feet, running surface, shoe type or anything like that; it is the answer to the question “have you been … Continue reading

Breathing Troubles – Asthma flare up

Way back in around 1996 I was diagnosed with asthma. It wasn’t terribly bad, I used daily steroids for a while and the blue salbutamol inhaler occasionally. My reference point for how bad asthma could be was very high – a girl I was at junior school with would be regularly hospitalised because of her asthma. The effect on me was minor issue in comparison, it barely bothered me. Over the last seven years I’ve been a regular runner, taken part in various races from 1.2 mile fell races through to marathons and 55km ultras. I can run pretty well, … Continue reading

Vasovagal syncope… fainting on a phd.

I have been taking part in a phd project that involves walking on a treadmill at 10% gradient for 90 minutes at an altitude of 4000m. I can’t really say all that much more about exactly what was going on with the tests etc, suffice to say that I had done a few tests, and had done a few stints both of walking at that altitude, a VO2 max test at altitude and a 3km time trial under the same conditions and everything was hunky dory. Then I went in for my first 90 minute session. I was fasted, like … Continue reading