Where does physio end?

Having listened to a really good podcast recently (the physio matters podcast – Session 43 with Nick Grantham) about the continuum of rehab, physio and strength and conditioning I thought it might be an idea to mention a couple of things that we do here in Global Therapies which might not seem to fit under the classic “physiotherapy” banner. To do this, I will talk about a couple of people that I have been seeing in the past few months. Where does Physio start? You would imagine this would be fairly obvious. When injury has occurred (through a sudden, or … Continue reading

The Answer to Hip Pain

My hip pain – the miracle cure As you may or may not know I’ve been having some amusement with my right hip/ sacroiliac joint recently. It just started hurting spontaneously about four weeks ago now, and there is a blog you can read about it here. I haven’t run for four weeks, I’ve barely been able to walk without pain for two of them, despite some pretty lovely rest and some strengthening work. Now, I’d like to talk about alternative therapies for just a moment. In the past I have come across people who have had longer term issues … Continue reading

Hip Pain – a Physiotherapists Personal Perspective

Two weeks ago, on Sunday, I woke up and couldn’t bear weight through my right hip. The pain in my Sacroiliac joint was excruciating, and I had to use my hands on the bed, the drawers, the banister, tables, chairs, kitchen worktops, you name it, I used it, in order to get around. What the heck?! Had I done anything in the past 24 or 48 hours that was out of character? Apart from going to a CPD conference and a short 6 mile run, no, not really. However, I was due to be going to Chamonix on Thursday to … Continue reading

Stitch – another hypothesis

This is quite a specific one. There seem to be a number of different versions of “side stitch”, and from personal experience, they seem to correlate to how much and how hard you are breathing. Previously we have posted about the possibility of psoas being implicated in stitch as it is a considerable hip flexor and gets stretched when running at higher speeds and greater exertion. A few weeks ago I decided that I would start running with a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) again. You might be able to tell where this is going. Strapped on the HR monitor around … Continue reading

Hip flexor / adductor problem…?

Last August I ran Cracken Edge Fell Race. On the way down the final hill into the finish, I really let go and hammered it as hard as I could. It felt amazing just to run that fast. However, that was the beginning of something that has plagued me for quite a while. The day after the race I woke up with a pain in my lower abs/upper leg, like a muscle strain, but not quite. It was difficult to sit up to get out of bed and I found myself rolling over to drop onto the floor as an … Continue reading

Breathing, Stress and how to Chill Out

In our article titled “O is for Overbreathing” we talk about how dysfunctional breathing patterns can affect emotional and physical factors – sleep, mood, recovery from exercise, and indeed performance during exercise. Since qualifying as a Personal Trainer, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know many people over the course of several months, and often years. In this time, I have witnessed the typical cycles of life – the joy of birth, grieving, stress accompanying job changes and house moves, to mention a few. What I have come to learn is that throughout happy and sad times, most of … Continue reading